Friday, December 16, 2011

What I Know About Samuel C. Weeks (SCW)
I inherited a worksheets from an aunt that had SCW’s birth year as 1805 and that he was born in Maryland. The worksheet also listed a number of his children and the date of his marriage to Jane Cunningham. My aunt compiled this information in the late 50’ and 60’s. Most of the dozens of the Weeks family trees I’ve reviewed on-line show SCW’s Birth as 1805. In 2011 I made contact with a second cousin that had SCW’s personal bible. This bible shows SCW’s birth year as 1804. I posted this new birth date on line but only a few have updated this information.

Time Line: Born 1804 in Maryland ..…. In 1830 census living in Mechanicstown, Frederick, Maryland ..…. In early 1830’s moved to Licking Co. OH …... 1838 moved to Delaware Co. OH …… 1867 retired in Caledonia, Marion Co…... Died July 26, 1870 in Caledonia, OH

1. Samuel C. Weeks

Born: in Maryland (one census shows him born in Maryland VA)

Died: July 26, 1870 in Caledonia, OH

Married to Jane Cunningham in Sept. 18, 1826 in Frederick, MD (Sourced)

2. His Children were:

LEANDER HUGH WEEKS was born on 09 Nov 1828. He died on 23 Feb 1835.

HEZEKIAH LEE WEEKS was born on 30 Jun 1829. He died on 15 Jul 1829.

WESLEY COE WEEKS was born on 28 Apr 1831 in Maryland. He died on 06 Oct 1861 in Shoup Cem. Delaware, OH.

JANE REALBECKER WEEKS was born on 02 Mar 1836. She died on 17 Dec 1836.

ISAAC LUCAS WEEKS was born on 12 Apr 1833 in Maryland, United States. He died on 06 Dec 1904 in Pleasant View Cem, Stanly, Kansas, United States,.

MARY JANE WEEKS HARRIS was born on 01 Mar 1838 in OH. She died on 02 Jun 1856.

OLIVER WILSON WEEKS was born on 22 May 1841 in Delaware, OH, USA. He died on 11 Jan 1903 in MARION, OH.

3.  SCW married second wife, Jeannette Rutherford in Jan. 21, 1869. Jeannette was born Oct 28, 1836 in England. Note: 1870 Census shows her being born in Canada.

4. 1830 Census shows SCW’s home in Mechanicstown, Frederick, Maryland. It also showed that in the household was 1 male under 5, 1 male 20 to 29 years of age,

5. 1840 Census

6. 1850 Census
Shows SCW in Delaware Co. OH, at age 45. Record shows him in Thomson township family #37.

7. 1860 Census dated July 24, 1860 shows SCW age 53 in Delaware OH, a farmer with property valued at $2300 and personal property at $350. In the family listing there is a Philander Roberts age 29 with land value of $1600.

Also in this census SCW neighbors were his son Isaac two lots fro SCW and a Stephen Weeks six lots away from SCW. Is Stephen Weeks, age 59 in this census related to SCW. Census shows Stephens birth place as Delaware County. No state given.

8. 1870 Census dated Aug, 1870 shows SCW birth place as Maryland with a VA after Maryland. Could this mean he was born in Maryland VA and not the state of Maryland. The info in this censes was provided after SCW’s death so it could just be an error? Census showed land value of $825 and personal property of $2000.

The 1870 census also showed that SCW lived next to his youngest son Oliver Wilson Weeks who had land value of $3112 and persona; property of $1000.

9. Land Transfer Reference to land transfer regarding a lot 42 recorded 2/12/1872, Vol 40/pg 457. Transfer included: Jeannette weeks, O.W. Weeks of Caledonia Jeannette Weeks - Isaac L. Weeks of Caledonia Jeannette Weeks - Ann Weeks of Caledonia

Also a second reference: Jeannette weeks - John Crissinger of Caledonia recorded 3/25/1878, Vol 46/page 557

10. From History of Ohio via Heritage Quest: The late Dr. Oliver W. Weeks, father of Dr. Dana O. died at his home in Marion January 11, 1903, at the age of sixty-one. He was born in Delaware County, Ohio, May 22, 1841, a son of Samuel C. and Jane (Cunningham) Weeks. Samuel Weeks was a native of Maryland and his wife of Pennsylvania. In 1830 the family came to Ohio, living in Licking County, and after 1838 in Delaware County. In 1867 Samuel Weeks and wife retired to Caledonia in Marion County, where both of them died,

11. Found a reference to a collection of letters from a UNDERHILL, JACOB S. This doc included excerpts from certain letter but further research I couldn’t’ find the original letters. D-9000-066a. Here is an excerpt that had SCW in it. “Letter dated 21 October 1839. Jacob S. Underhill at Buckram (now Locust Valley) to William Henry Cock at Hillsboro, OH; description of the wedding of Charles Dowing to Angeline Weeks; also mentions Rev. Marmsduke Earle, Aunt Rebecca, David and Leonard Weeks, Dr. griffin, Chunckman, Charles Cock, Samuel C. Weeks, Samuel Baley son of Stephen Baley, Uncle Sam, dick Cock, Isaac Rodman, Stephen Seaman, Stephen Tilly, Everett Weeks, Phelps Peck & CO>, Doremus suydam & Nixon…From the UNDERHILL SOCITY OF AMERICA.